- Literary Research Guide: an annotated listing of reference sources in English literary Studies /by James Harmer
- A Concise Companion to American Studies /by John Carlos Rowe, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 ,
- The Oxford Comapnion to American Literature /by James D. Hart, CUP, 1995
- The Cambridge Companion to literature:
- Az amerikai irodalom története /Bollobás Enikő, Osiris, 2006
- The Cambridge History of American Literature Vol. 1-8 /gen. ed. Sacvan Bercovitch, CUP, 1994-2010
- From Puritanism to Postmodernism : a history of American Literature /Richard Ruland, Malcolm Bradbury, Penguin B., 1992
- The Modernist and Others : the American literary culture in the age of the modernist revolution /Zsolt Virágos, 2008
- PMLA : Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 1889-2013
- The American Literature, Duke Univ. Press – 1929-2016
- Nineteenth Century Literature, Univ. of California Press – 1986-2019, 1980-
Egyetemi kiadványok
- Papers in english and american studies
- HJEAS : Hungarian Journal of English and American
- Eger Journal of English Studies, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola
- American Civilization : an introduction /by David Mauk, John Oakland, Routledge, 2014
- A Companion to American Literature and Culture /by Paul Lauter, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
- The Concise Oxford Companion to African American literature /Trudier Harris, OUP, 2001
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